
Tymon de Laat - Gatinha close-up
Tymon de Laat - Gatinha
Tymon de Laat - Gatinha progress
Tymon de Laat - Gatinha Spraypaint

Aprox 8 meter x 5 meter.
Spray paint on wall.
5th av & 22nd str Wynwood Miami USA.
Tymon de Laat 2022

It has been a great adventure painting in the Wynwood, the Mekka of urban art. There are many people I would like to thank for making this project work. Especially @davidjunelouf for taking me under his wing and introducing me to the local scene and @urbanartnow for connecting me to the awesome crew of @wynwoodmuralfest, thank you for the good care.

Also to all the artists and art hunters I got to meet and new friendships that have been made. You all know who you are.

Painted here you see the wonderful Catia Guerrero she is the girlfriend of a good buddy of mine and fellow artist
With whom I have shared my studio with for many year back in Rotterdam. 2 years ago he moved back to Portugal to be with his love which he endearingly calls Gatinha (this translates to kitty). 1 year ago I decided to go there on a surprise visit and whilst being there I shot some photos of Catia as the sun was serting on the hills of Quarteira

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De Laat started painting murals and canvases, often based on his own photographs of the people he met during his travels. He exaggerates the natural lines in their faces, and fills the spaces that appear between those swirling lines with swaths of vivid color. The linework and color palette he applies in that way, are a means of translating his memories of Latin America to visual imagery. The food, the architecture, the clothes, and particularly his respect for the culture of indigenous peoples; it’s all in there, as de Laat transitions it over to enliven drab Western concrete.

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