Aprox 8 meter x 5 meter.
Spray paint on wall.
5th av & 22nd str Wynwood Miami USA.
Model @calliope.cg
Tymon de Laat 2022
It has been a great adventure painting in the Wynwood, the Mekka of urban art. There are many people I would like to thank for making this project work. Especially @davidjunelouf for taking me under his wing and introducing me to the local scene and @urbanartnow for connecting me to the awesome crew of @wynwoodmuralfest, thank you for the good care.
Also to all the artists and art hunters I got to meet and new friendships that have been made. You all know who you are.
Painted here you see the wonderful Catia Guerrero she is the girlfriend of a good buddy of mine and fellow artist @nunoviegas.pt
With whom I have shared my studio with for many year back in Rotterdam. 2 years ago he moved back to Portugal to be with his love which he endearingly calls Gatinha (this translates to kitty). 1 year ago I decided to go there on a surprise visit and whilst being there I shot some photos of Catia as the sun was serting on the hills of Quarteira
7 december 2022