Tymon's latest creation

Art work titel

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus fringilla neque nulla, egestas dignissim dui rutrum quis. Sed quis laoreet libero, et egestas sapien. Integer ipsum mauris, faucibus in risus a, fringilla aliquam lorem. Aliquam sed semper erat.


Curabitur mattis euismod nunc, laoreet sollicitudin risus condimentum quis. Phasellus sit amet scelerisque nisl. Aliquam et nulla ac ante fringilla venenatis. Nunc sed gravida arcu, eget elementum ex. Etiam feugiat elementum tortor sit amet cursus. Praesent mattis odio tortor, quis finibus arcu pretium sed. Aenean pellentesque ultrices tristique. Nulla feugiat eget felis et auctor. Fusce luctus ultricies enim, luctus facilisis augue mollis a. Cras venenatis vel turpis a volutpat.

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De Laat started painting murals and canvases, often based on his own photographs of the people he met during his travels. He exaggerates the natural lines in their faces, and fills the spaces that appear between those swirling lines with swaths of vivid color. The linework and color palette he applies in that way, are a means of translating his memories of Latin America to visual imagery. The food, the architecture, the clothes, and particularly his respect for the culture of indigenous peoples; it’s all in there, as de Laat transitions it over to enliven drab Western concrete.

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